`rmmbr` — Super Simple Persistent Caching in Python
Here’s a familiar scenario: you’re working on a project that involves making requests to an API like OpenAI, which can quickly rack up your bill if you’re not careful.
The solution? Caching.
Caching allows avoiding paying for repeated calls by storing the results and retrieving them as needed. But typically caching works in memory. This means that when your your cache is gone, not to mention your collegues who always start with an empty cache.
Implementing a caching solution which is persistent across runs and devices can be nontrivial. This is where rmmbr
comes in: https://github.com/uriva/rmmbr.
is a lightweight service with client libraries in Python, Javascript or -TypeScript. It provides a decorator you can place around your asynchronous functions to cache their results, either locally or in the cloud.
With just a few lines of code, you can have a cross device persistent caching service reduce the number of API requests you make, saving you time and money.
To use rmmbr
, simply install it via pip (or npm):
pip install rmmbr
Let’s take a look at an example using OpenAI’s GPT-3 API:
from local_cache import rmmbr
from openai import openai
async def call_open_ai(params):
result = await openai.create_chat_completion(params);
return result.data
async def do_prompt(prompt):
result = await call_open_ai({
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"messages": [{ "role": "user", "content": prompt }],
return result["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]
Here we are using the local_cache
function to cache the result of an asynchronous function that generates text using OpenAI’s GPT-3 API. The cacher stores the requests in a file in a local directory.
If you want to persist across devices, you can also store the results in the cloud with e2e encryption:
from cloud_cache import rmmbr
from openai import openai
"<service token>",
// Time to live, in seconds, use `None` for max time.
24 * 60 * 60,
// e2ee for sensitive data, use `None` for no encryption.
"<encryption key>",
async def call_open_ai(params):
result = await openai.create_chat_completion(params);
return result.data
has a free tier up to a quota, and the backend is open source as well, so you can use your own instance if you’d like.
We’d love to hear about your use cases and desired features, so feel free to post issues here.
We hope you find rmmbr
useful and that it saves you time and money.
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